
Working Papers

Asymmetric Information in Labor Contracts: Evidence from an Online Experiment


Opportunity Unraveled: Private Information and Missing Markets for Human Capital, with Nathaniel Hendren, American Economic Review 114.7 (2024): 2024-2072. [Executive Summary] [Slides]  [Animated Example] 

The Impact of Income-Driven Repayment on Student Borrower Outcomes, AEJ: Applied Economics 15.1 (2023): 1-25.

Unions and Inequality Over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data, with Henry Farber, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Suresh Naidu, Quarterly Journal of Economics 136.3 (2021): 1325-1385.

Peer effects on worker output in the laboratory generalize to the field, with Alexandre Mas, Science 350.6260 (2015): 545-549. 

Research in Progress

Intergenerational Persistence in Access to Credit: New Evidence by Race and Class in the United States, with Trevor Bakker, Eric English, Jamie Fogel, and Nathaniel Hendren

Equity and Incentives in Household Financing, with Miguel Palacios and Constantine Yannelis